Signature Maker Create handwritten digital signature
Signature Maker is a free web based tool, that helps you create your handwritten digital signature, within few seconds. It's simple and easy to use. You don't need to download or install any plugins/software, it's based on HTML5, so a modern browser (e.g recent version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) is all you need.
You can use your electronic signature for signing Word Documents/PDFs/forms (including legal documents or contracts etc), as well as in email and websites (personal blogs/forums/profiles etc).
It's simple, easy and free to create personal electronic signature! Try it now
Creating Signature using Fonts
If you don't want to draw (e.g forum signature), them you can also generate signatures using some custom fonts (10+ free web fonts to choose from). And you can customize the size and color as well.
Font Signature Generator

Creating Email Signature New!
If you want to create a signature for your email (gmail, outlook, yahoomail, thunderbird etc), use this handy free tool that will create a nice html snippet you can paste into your email client.
Email Signature Generator